Sutton Green: A walk down memory lane

Do you have any memories, snippets of information or photos of Sutton Green?
Friends of Sutton Green are researching its history with the aim of putting an information panel on the Green.
Do you remember the pond in Victoria Gardens, the trolley buses that turned in Bushey Road, or the WW2 air raid shelter? Do you know what happened to the Edward VII coronation fountain?
Are you related to any of the Victorian farming families? The Stubbs who owned Hallmead, Stonecot and Clensham Farms; the Skinners, dairymen at Hallmead, or the Shattocks of Elm Farm?
If you can help, please let Sutton North Councillors Sam and Ruth know so they can forward it on to our local historians. Their details are below:
Cllr Sam Cumber -
Cllr Ruth Dombey -