Barry Lewis elected new leader of Sutton’s Lib Dem Council Group

Sutton Liberal Democrats have selected Cllr Barry Lewis as the next leader of the Lib Dem Group on Sutton Council, and subject to confirmation at the Annual Council meeting on May 20th, the next Leader of Sutton Council.
Barry is a lifelong Sutton resident with four generations of his family in the borough. He attended Cheam Common Primary School and Sutton Grammar School before going on to a career in the leisure travel industry. Barry was elected as a Councillor for Wallington North in 2019, subsequently becoming the Chair of Sutton Council’s Environment & Sustainable Transport Committee.
Commenting on his selection, Cllr Barry Lewis said:
"I am honoured to have been chosen to lead Sutton’s Lib Dem Council Group and to put myself forward as the next Leader of Sutton Council.
"Cllr Ruth Dombey has led our Group and Council brilliantly for the past 12 years. I want to build on the foundations laid by her and all our fantastic councillors over nearly 40 years of Liberal Democrat leadership in our borough.
"Sutton is my home and I am ambitious for our borough’s future."
Outgoing Leader of Sutton Council, Cllr Ruth Dombey, said:
"I am proud to pass on the baton to Barry who will be taking on the huge honour and privilege of leading our borough.
"I look forward to continuing to serve the community as a local councillor and supporting Barry, who I know will continue our ambition to make Sutton an even better place to live, work and raise a family."
More about Cllr Barry Lewis
Barry was born in Worcester Park, attended primary and secondary school in Sutton, and now lives in Carshalton.
Barry has spent most of his career in the leisure travel industry, including running his own small travel business. In 2019, he was elected as a Councillor for Wallington North on Sutton Council, before becoming Chair of the Environment & Sustainable Transport Committee. This role has seen him lead on many public-facing aspects of the Council, including parks, libraries, waste and highways.
Barry has been active in local scouting for over 30 years. He was a cub and a scout in Worcester Park as a child and now serves as a leader at an Explorer Scout Unit in Beddington.