Demanding action on Crosslands Court repairs
Councillors have been working to resolve issues in the block
An update from Wallington South's Lib Dem Councillors:
Since May several residents have raised concerns with us about serious ongoing defects in Crosslands Court. These included:
- The lift in the building being out of order.
- Severe plumbing defects leading to flooding of individual flats and property damage
- A roof leak in the building's main lobby which caused a damp smell in the whole interior
- The exterior rubbish area being extremely messy, and reports of pests as a result
We raised these matters with Orbit Housing, and subsequently, when we felt that progress was not being made, we wrote directly to the Chief Executive.
We outlined all the issues affecting residents and explained that this was creating unacceptable living conditions.
We were pleased to see the lift being recently fixed, meaning that residents of Crosslands Court less able to use the stairs can enter and exit more comfortably.
We are awaiting the results of an Orbit investigation into the other matters raised, including the poor plumbing in the building.
As Councillors we have no direct control over the management of the building but we will continue to press for a better deal for residents of Crosslands Court.